INTEREULAWEAST Journal vol. IV, Issue 1, June 2017.
We are pleased to inform you that INTEREULAWEAST Journal vol 4, Issue 1, June 2017. has been published and is available online in it's electronic edition. To access the current issue please visit the Journal's official website.
The current issue is perhaps the turning point for our Journal. It is the last issue that was co-financed from the INTEREULAWEAST Project which successfully reached its end on 31st of May 2017. The Project is over but our Journal remains as a valuable long-term output of the project. The publisher – Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Zagreb has taken on future settlement of publishing expenses. Such a scheme, with the co-funding by the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia, guarantees our Journal financial stability and sustainability.
As a matter of enhancement of the Journals quality, we are delighted to inform you that INTEREULAWEAST Journal met high standards of two distinguished legal databases, HeinOnline & ProQuest. This achievement is result of hard work of the whole Tempus team and Editorial Board. We are particularly proud of the fact that entering the HeinOnline & ProQuest databases will contribute to further dissemination of our Journal. Thanks to the open access policy and indexing in distinguished databases the Journal is becoming recognized as a platform for affirmation of young researchers, students and professionals and dissemination tool for their ideas, scientific work and critical observations. This achievement is confirmation of our joint efforts and stimulus for further enhancement of the Journal’s quality.
The current issue also brings some improvements. The issue is introducing Digital Object Identifier System (DOI) which planned to be fully implemented in volume 5. Also, the Creative Commons CC-BY-NC 4.0 license now applies to all the articles published in the Journal.
We are pleased to inform you that INTEREULAWEAST Journal vol 4, Issue 1, June 2017. has been published and is available online in it's electronic edition. To access the current issue please visit the Journal's official website.
The current issue is perhaps the turning point for our Journal. It is the last issue that was co-financed from the INTEREULAWEAST Project which successfully reached its end on 31st of May 2017. The Project is over but our Journal remains as a valuable long-term output of the project. The publisher – Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Zagreb has taken on future settlement of publishing expenses. Such a scheme, with the co-funding by the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia, guarantees our Journal financial stability and sustainability.
As a matter of enhancement of the Journals quality, we are delighted to inform you that INTEREULAWEAST Journal met high standards of two distinguished legal databases, HeinOnline & ProQuest. This achievement is result of hard work of the whole Tempus team and Editorial Board. We are particularly proud of the fact that entering the HeinOnline & ProQuest databases will contribute to further dissemination of our Journal. Thanks to the open access policy and indexing in distinguished databases the Journal is becoming recognized as a platform for affirmation of young researchers, students and professionals and dissemination tool for their ideas, scientific work and critical observations. This achievement is confirmation of our joint efforts and stimulus for further enhancement of the Journal’s quality.
The current issue also brings some improvements. The issue is introducing Digital Object Identifier System (DOI) which planned to be fully implemented in volume 5. Also, the Creative Commons CC-BY-NC 4.0 license now applies to all the articles published in the Journal.
The INTEREULAWEAST Project successfully reached its end on 31st of May 2017
On 31st of May INTEREULAWEAST Project successfully reached its end. Three and a half years of joint hard work and efforts resulted in valuable outputs, dissemination of new ideas and challenging proposals, exchange of experiences, new friendships and intercultural dialogue. During the project lifetime four international conferences and two advanced courses were held, two didactical tools have been developed and seven monographs were published. The project served as a platform to develop and settle three long terms outputs – two master programs in international and European law were established one tailored for Russia and another for Ukraine, furthermore INTEREULAWEAST Journal and Tempus Centers were established. All aforementioned achievements would not be possible without dedicated engagement of staff members and students from institutions participating in the project consortium. Project consortium managed to overcome all unexpected obstacles during the lifetime of the project
Once again thank you all for your contributions. Looking forward for future cooperation.
Sincerely yours,
Prof. dr. sc Hana Horak, Project coordinator & Zagreb team
On 31st of May INTEREULAWEAST Project successfully reached its end. Three and a half years of joint hard work and efforts resulted in valuable outputs, dissemination of new ideas and challenging proposals, exchange of experiences, new friendships and intercultural dialogue. During the project lifetime four international conferences and two advanced courses were held, two didactical tools have been developed and seven monographs were published. The project served as a platform to develop and settle three long terms outputs – two master programs in international and European law were established one tailored for Russia and another for Ukraine, furthermore INTEREULAWEAST Journal and Tempus Centers were established. All aforementioned achievements would not be possible without dedicated engagement of staff members and students from institutions participating in the project consortium. Project consortium managed to overcome all unexpected obstacles during the lifetime of the project
Once again thank you all for your contributions. Looking forward for future cooperation.
Sincerely yours,
Prof. dr. sc Hana Horak, Project coordinator & Zagreb team

Last but not least important:
INTEREULAWEAST Journal in HeinOnline & ProQuest databases - another great achievement!
We are delighted to inform you that INTEREULAWEAST Journal met high standards of two distinguished legal databases, HeinOnline & ProQuest. This achievement is result of hard work of the whole Tempus team. We are particularly proud of the fact that entering the HeinOnline & ProQuest databases will contribute to further dissemination of project results and long term sustainability of the Journal. Thanks to the open access policy and indexing in distinguished databases the Journal has become recognized as a platform for affirmation of young researchers, students and professionals and dissemination tool for their ideas, scientific work and critical observations. This achievement is confirmation of our joint efforts and stimulus for further enhancement of the Journal’s quality.
INTEREULAWEAST Journal in HeinOnline & ProQuest databases - another great achievement!
We are delighted to inform you that INTEREULAWEAST Journal met high standards of two distinguished legal databases, HeinOnline & ProQuest. This achievement is result of hard work of the whole Tempus team. We are particularly proud of the fact that entering the HeinOnline & ProQuest databases will contribute to further dissemination of project results and long term sustainability of the Journal. Thanks to the open access policy and indexing in distinguished databases the Journal has become recognized as a platform for affirmation of young researchers, students and professionals and dissemination tool for their ideas, scientific work and critical observations. This achievement is confirmation of our joint efforts and stimulus for further enhancement of the Journal’s quality.
Members of Tempus Project took part in the Voronezh Forum and promotion of the 1st master student generation
Members of Tempus Project took part in the Voronezh Forum which was held on 17-19 May 2017 at Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Russia. On this occassion Prof. Horak and her team presented Project results and engage into discussions on future of EU funded projects.
Alongside Voronezh Forum, Tempus team members took part into promotion of the 1st generation of successful master students of InterEULawEast Master Programme. Prof. Horak, Prof. Biriukov and Ass. Prof. Galushko handed over the certificates on completion of the Programme to seven students of the Law Faculty Voronezh. On symbolic level this ceremony marked the greatest achievement of our Project - introduction of the master programme in EU and International Law and raising awareness of EU law and International Law among local students.
Members of Tempus Project took part in the Voronezh Forum which was held on 17-19 May 2017 at Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Russia. On this occassion Prof. Horak and her team presented Project results and engage into discussions on future of EU funded projects.
Alongside Voronezh Forum, Tempus team members took part into promotion of the 1st generation of successful master students of InterEULawEast Master Programme. Prof. Horak, Prof. Biriukov and Ass. Prof. Galushko handed over the certificates on completion of the Programme to seven students of the Law Faculty Voronezh. On symbolic level this ceremony marked the greatest achievement of our Project - introduction of the master programme in EU and International Law and raising awareness of EU law and International Law among local students.
Members of Tempus team held guest lectures to Voronezh students
On 18 May 2017 Prof. Rustem Davletgildeev (KFU) held guest lecture in Tempus centre Voronezh on EU labour law. This lecture was contribution to the inter-institutional cooperation of KFU and VSU within WP2.
Alongide this guest lecture, Zagreb master student Ivan Melada held lecture on advantages of student mobility for foreign students and opportunities of Erasmus Plus projects for young generations from student perspective. Ivan Melada also presented the role and international engagement of FEBUNIZG student associations. Ivan's lecture was an opportnity to share Croatian experiences concerning student activism and their role in shaping academic community and nice occassion for discussion with local students on Russian student associations, their experiences and possible cooperation at student - student level.
On 18 May 2017 Prof. Rustem Davletgildeev (KFU) held guest lecture in Tempus centre Voronezh on EU labour law. This lecture was contribution to the inter-institutional cooperation of KFU and VSU within WP2.
Alongide this guest lecture, Zagreb master student Ivan Melada held lecture on advantages of student mobility for foreign students and opportunities of Erasmus Plus projects for young generations from student perspective. Ivan Melada also presented the role and international engagement of FEBUNIZG student associations. Ivan's lecture was an opportnity to share Croatian experiences concerning student activism and their role in shaping academic community and nice occassion for discussion with local students on Russian student associations, their experiences and possible cooperation at student - student level.
The Final Project Coordination Meeting and distance learning workshop took place in Maribor, Slovenia
On 21st April 2017 project consortium met at the Final Project Meeting in beautiful Slovenian city of Maribor. After welcome speech by Prof. Vesna Rijavec, Dean of the Law Faculty Maribor, Prof. Horak referred to achievements of the Project and the revised work plan. The consortium discussed several important topics: future cooperation in international projects, promotion of the master programme, independent local testing and development of distance learning courses. All project partners agreed on the need to continue well-established cooperation in the future.
Together with the meeting, Prof. Knez and Prof. Horak held workshop on introducing digital learning tools into law master programmes. Prof. Knez introduced the attendees with basic features of distance learning, its pros and contras. Prof. Horak introduced the attendees with FEBUNIZG’s experiences concerning use of digital platforms at bachelor degree studies.
Presentations from the workshop:
On 21st April 2017 project consortium met at the Final Project Meeting in beautiful Slovenian city of Maribor. After welcome speech by Prof. Vesna Rijavec, Dean of the Law Faculty Maribor, Prof. Horak referred to achievements of the Project and the revised work plan. The consortium discussed several important topics: future cooperation in international projects, promotion of the master programme, independent local testing and development of distance learning courses. All project partners agreed on the need to continue well-established cooperation in the future.
Together with the meeting, Prof. Knez and Prof. Horak held workshop on introducing digital learning tools into law master programmes. Prof. Knez introduced the attendees with basic features of distance learning, its pros and contras. Prof. Horak introduced the attendees with FEBUNIZG’s experiences concerning use of digital platforms at bachelor degree studies.
Presentations from the workshop:
From 30 to 31 March 2017 Kazan Federal University team members - Prof. Adel Abdullin and Iskander Asatullin - visited Tempus centre of Voronezh State University within the framework of Tempus Project 544117-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-HR-TEMPUS-JPCR InterEULawEast. During the visit Adel Abdullin and Iskander Asatullin performed guest lectures on International and European law, studied with students relevant issues of law of international treaties, and other sources of international and European law.
From 30 to 31 March 2017 Kazan Federal University team members - Prof. Adel Abdullin and Iskander Asatullin - visited Tempus centre of Voronezh State University within the framework of Tempus Project 544117-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-HR-TEMPUS-JPCR InterEULawEast. During the visit Adel Abdullin and Iskander Asatullin performed guest lectures on International and European law, studied with students relevant issues of law of international treaties, and other sources of international and European law.
7th Project Meeting, Maribor, 21 of April 2017
The project meeting for the representatives of consortium members will be held in Maribor, Slovenia on April 21, 2017 at University of Maribor, Faculty of Law. The meeting will take place at 10:00 AM. Please find the Timetable below.
The project meeting for the representatives of consortium members will be held in Maribor, Slovenia on April 21, 2017 at University of Maribor, Faculty of Law. The meeting will take place at 10:00 AM. Please find the Timetable below.
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Guest lectures by NU OLA teachers took place at V. Stus Donetsk National University in Vinnitsa
On December 6-9, 2016, in the framework of Tempus Project 544117-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-HR-TEMPUS-JPCR InterEULawEast at the Economic Faculty of V. Stus Donetsk National University NU OLA lecturers gave several guest lectures to local staff and students.
NU "OLA" was represented by Head of the Programme "Master in European and International Law", Professor of International law and International Relations Department, Pashkovsky N. I.; Associate Professor of History of State and Law Department, M. Katsyn and Associate Professor of International Law and International Relations Department, D. Dvornichenko. Their lectures covered wide range of topics in international law, EU law and European diplomacy. For more details see official webpages of the event:
On December 6-9, 2016, in the framework of Tempus Project 544117-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-HR-TEMPUS-JPCR InterEULawEast at the Economic Faculty of V. Stus Donetsk National University NU OLA lecturers gave several guest lectures to local staff and students.
NU "OLA" was represented by Head of the Programme "Master in European and International Law", Professor of International law and International Relations Department, Pashkovsky N. I.; Associate Professor of History of State and Law Department, M. Katsyn and Associate Professor of International Law and International Relations Department, D. Dvornichenko. Their lectures covered wide range of topics in international law, EU law and European diplomacy. For more details see official webpages of the event:
In December 2016 Croatian Ministry of Science and Education granted financial support of 6.896,00 HRK (900 EUR) for publication of the InterEULawEast Journal. This way Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb has achieved one of the key project tasks - sustainability of the Journal even after the end of the Project's lifetime.
In December 2016 Croatian Ministry of Science and Education granted financial support of 6.896,00 HRK (900 EUR) for publication of the InterEULawEast Journal. This way Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb has achieved one of the key project tasks - sustainability of the Journal even after the end of the Project's lifetime.
On 6 December 2016 Zagreb Tempus team and Voronezh Tempus team took part in the international information and methodological seminar "Capacity building in the field of Higher Education" in the framework of Erasmus Plus programme.
The seminar took part at Bauman Technical University, Moscow, Russia, and was organised by National Erasmus Plus Office Russia. The seminar gathered Mr. Michel de Martino, Officer for Economic Affairs in the EU Delegation in Russia, Mr. José Aurelio Llaneza Villanueva, Attache, Embassy of Spain in Russia, Mrs Olga Oleynikova, Head of the National Erasmus+ Office in Russia as well as representatives of several Russian academic institutions.
The seminar was a chance for group work, presentation of achieved results of ongoing EU funded projects and venue for discussion on state of play of current projects. The seminar was a perfect venue for individual consultation meetings on prospects of future collaboration between EU and Russian universities in EU funded projects. NEO Russia and Bauman Technical University also organised workshop on developing Logical Framework Matrix, important component of every project proposal.
On behalf of the Tempus consortium Prof Horak presented the achievements of InterEULawEast Project, from the outset until the recent outputs – EU law textbook. In addition to afore-mentioned, Zagreb team presented and promoted the InterEULawEast Journal and our new EU funded European Documentation Centre – potential platform for collaboration between Russian and Croatian university libraries. Presentation was followed by several questions, mostly concerning our experience in dissemination of Project results. We are particulary proud that our Project received several compliments by Mrs Oleynikova and the attendees. This encourages us to be even better - and to apply for the new 2017 call for proposals!
On 6 December 2016 Zagreb Tempus team and Voronezh Tempus team took part in the international information and methodological seminar "Capacity building in the field of Higher Education" in the framework of Erasmus Plus programme.
The seminar took part at Bauman Technical University, Moscow, Russia, and was organised by National Erasmus Plus Office Russia. The seminar gathered Mr. Michel de Martino, Officer for Economic Affairs in the EU Delegation in Russia, Mr. José Aurelio Llaneza Villanueva, Attache, Embassy of Spain in Russia, Mrs Olga Oleynikova, Head of the National Erasmus+ Office in Russia as well as representatives of several Russian academic institutions.
The seminar was a chance for group work, presentation of achieved results of ongoing EU funded projects and venue for discussion on state of play of current projects. The seminar was a perfect venue for individual consultation meetings on prospects of future collaboration between EU and Russian universities in EU funded projects. NEO Russia and Bauman Technical University also organised workshop on developing Logical Framework Matrix, important component of every project proposal.
On behalf of the Tempus consortium Prof Horak presented the achievements of InterEULawEast Project, from the outset until the recent outputs – EU law textbook. In addition to afore-mentioned, Zagreb team presented and promoted the InterEULawEast Journal and our new EU funded European Documentation Centre – potential platform for collaboration between Russian and Croatian university libraries. Presentation was followed by several questions, mostly concerning our experience in dissemination of Project results. We are particulary proud that our Project received several compliments by Mrs Oleynikova and the attendees. This encourages us to be even better - and to apply for the new 2017 call for proposals!
Zagreb Tempus team took part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference: „Contemporary Legal Education – Experience of the Past and a View for the Future“, at National University Odessa Law Academy, Odessa, Ukraine
On 21st October 2016 Zagreb Tempus team visited National University Odessa Law Academy and took part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference: Contemporary Legal Education – Experience of the Past and a View for the Future. Professor Horak and Assistant Poljanec held lecture on „Law Schools in the 21st Century – the Role, Perspectives and Challenges“. The aim of the presentation was to show and discuss new tendencies in the legal education – innovation, interdisciplinarity, orientation towards students, importance of student and staff exchanges as well as importance of dialogue among academia and practice.
On 21st October 2016 Zagreb Tempus team visited National University Odessa Law Academy and took part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference: Contemporary Legal Education – Experience of the Past and a View for the Future. Professor Horak and Assistant Poljanec held lecture on „Law Schools in the 21st Century – the Role, Perspectives and Challenges“. The aim of the presentation was to show and discuss new tendencies in the legal education – innovation, interdisciplinarity, orientation towards students, importance of student and staff exchanges as well as importance of dialogue among academia and practice.
In the Tempus Centre Professor Horak also held master class for NU OLA students on Croatian experiences in the EU negotation process. Staying at NU OLA was a chance to disseminate Project's results among local academic community. Thus, Prof. Horak gave interviews for local TV station and she was also a guest in a TV show at Tertiy channel.
Mrs Željka Pitner, expert associate in the International Relations Office of the University of Zagreb, held lecture on new possibilities of exchange within Erasmus Plus projects. Professor Horak and Mrs Pitner also took part in several meetings concerning future possibilities of academic cooperation among NU OLA and UNIZG. This conference was an opportunity to show results of Tempus project 544117 and its contribution to the modernisation of legal education in PCs as well as an opportunity to discuss future forms of sustainable cooperation among two universities. |
INTEREULAWEAST Project presented at International scientific conference in Voronezh
5-7 July 2016 the Voronezh State University hosted an international scientific conference "European identity and political challenges: old сoncept, new vision». It served for a discussion on the phenomenon of large European identity by experts from major Universities and research institutions of the EU.
The Conference gathered leading experts in the field of European studies, international relations, political science, international law, sociology and history of the largest universities and research EU institutions: Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium), University of Birmingham (UK), University of Seville (Spain), the Institute of Political Science, Bordeaux (France), University of Budapest (Hungary), National University "Odessa law Academy" (Odessa, Ukraine), National Institute of economic research of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, etc.
The conference was attended by leading Russian scientists from almost all regions of Russia - from Tomsk to Kaliningrad and from St. Petersburg to Simferopol.
During the conference Associate Professor of the Voronezh State University Dmitriy Galushko on behalf of the InterEuLawEast Consortium made a presentation about our Tempus Project, its aims, actions, results and outputs. A newly prepared textbook on EU law attracted particular attention of the participants of the Conference.
5-7 July 2016 the Voronezh State University hosted an international scientific conference "European identity and political challenges: old сoncept, new vision». It served for a discussion on the phenomenon of large European identity by experts from major Universities and research institutions of the EU.
The Conference gathered leading experts in the field of European studies, international relations, political science, international law, sociology and history of the largest universities and research EU institutions: Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium), University of Birmingham (UK), University of Seville (Spain), the Institute of Political Science, Bordeaux (France), University of Budapest (Hungary), National University "Odessa law Academy" (Odessa, Ukraine), National Institute of economic research of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, etc.
The conference was attended by leading Russian scientists from almost all regions of Russia - from Tomsk to Kaliningrad and from St. Petersburg to Simferopol.
During the conference Associate Professor of the Voronezh State University Dmitriy Galushko on behalf of the InterEuLawEast Consortium made a presentation about our Tempus Project, its aims, actions, results and outputs. A newly prepared textbook on EU law attracted particular attention of the participants of the Conference.
Two successful days in Maribor - Final International Conference “Legal Reform and EU Enlargement – Transfer of Experiences”: The achievements of InterEULawEast Tempus Project as Contribution to the European High Education Area and Implementation of the Best Bologna Standards & 6th Project Coordination Meeting
The Final International Conference was organized to guarantee high potential and disseminate the project deliverables at institutional, national and international level. Researchers from co-beneficiary institutions gathered at Faculty of Law, University of Maribor, Slovenia to share and exchange their achievements made within InterEULawEast Tempus Project as contribution to the Bologna process.
Professors Hana Horak, Pavel Biriukov and Viacheslav Tuliakov introduced the public to several academic deliverables prepared within the Project: the Glossary of Legal Terminology, Textbook: Law of the European Union and Didactical Manuals.
The idea of the Conference was to discuss the outcomes of the Project and how the Project has contributed to the HEA and implementation of the Best Bologna standards in terms of raising awareness of EU law in PCs, introducing best teaching practices, new academic journal, promoting student mobility and international academic cooperation, citation rules etc.
Once again the Conference was great opportunity for enhancing academic mobility and dissemination of knowledge in order to reach the goals of the project. Special thanks go to our Russian and Ukrainian partners for their great efforts in preparing project outputs which will serve as solid basis for further, enhanced studies in EU law at co-beneficiaries.
During conference days two important tasks were achieved. Faculty of Law, University of Maribor and Donetsk National University (Vinnitsa) signed memorandum of Understanding. The conference days were also an opportunity for preparation of new memorandum of understanding between Faculty of Law, University of Maribor and National University Odessa Law Academy. It is expected that the procedure will last until autumn.
Together with the Conference, the consortium held 6th Project Coordination Meeting. Project consortium discussed several important topics: sustainability of the Journal, audit procedure and forms of future cooperation. Minutes from the meeting will be published here.
Thank You once more for making this Conference comes true!
Conference presentations are available here.
The Final International Conference was organized to guarantee high potential and disseminate the project deliverables at institutional, national and international level. Researchers from co-beneficiary institutions gathered at Faculty of Law, University of Maribor, Slovenia to share and exchange their achievements made within InterEULawEast Tempus Project as contribution to the Bologna process.
Professors Hana Horak, Pavel Biriukov and Viacheslav Tuliakov introduced the public to several academic deliverables prepared within the Project: the Glossary of Legal Terminology, Textbook: Law of the European Union and Didactical Manuals.
The idea of the Conference was to discuss the outcomes of the Project and how the Project has contributed to the HEA and implementation of the Best Bologna standards in terms of raising awareness of EU law in PCs, introducing best teaching practices, new academic journal, promoting student mobility and international academic cooperation, citation rules etc.
Once again the Conference was great opportunity for enhancing academic mobility and dissemination of knowledge in order to reach the goals of the project. Special thanks go to our Russian and Ukrainian partners for their great efforts in preparing project outputs which will serve as solid basis for further, enhanced studies in EU law at co-beneficiaries.
During conference days two important tasks were achieved. Faculty of Law, University of Maribor and Donetsk National University (Vinnitsa) signed memorandum of Understanding. The conference days were also an opportunity for preparation of new memorandum of understanding between Faculty of Law, University of Maribor and National University Odessa Law Academy. It is expected that the procedure will last until autumn.
Together with the Conference, the consortium held 6th Project Coordination Meeting. Project consortium discussed several important topics: sustainability of the Journal, audit procedure and forms of future cooperation. Minutes from the meeting will be published here.
Thank You once more for making this Conference comes true!
Conference presentations are available here.

INTEREULAWEAST Journal vol. III, Issue 1, June 2016. is available online!
We are pleased to inform you that INTEREULAWEAST Journal vol 3, Issue 1, June 2016. has been published and is available online in it's electronic edition. To access the current issue please visit the Journal's official website.
We are pleased to inform you that INTEREULAWEAST Journal vol 3, Issue 1, June 2016. has been published and is available online in it's electronic edition. To access the current issue please visit the Journal's official website.
Final International Conference “Legal Reform and EU Enlargement – Transfer of Experiences”: The achievements of the InterEULawEast Tempus Project as Contribution to the European High Education Area and Implementation of the Best Bologna Standards
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to invite You to the Final Conference within the series of conferences “Legal Reform and EU Enlargement – Transfer of Experience” under the Tempus IV Project InterEULawEast, which will take place on 4-5th July, 2016 at Faculty of Law, University of Maribor, Republic of Slovenia, EU.
The working title of the Conference is "The achievements of the InterEULawEast Tempus Project as Contribution to the European High Education Area and Implementation of the Best Bologna Standards".
The idea of the Conference is to discuss the outcomes of our Project and how the Project has contributed to the HEA and implementation of the Best Bologna standards in terms of raising awareness of EU law in PCs, introducing the best teaching practices, new academic journal, promoting student mobility and international academic cooperation, citing rules etc.
Staff members should also prepare presentations on the relevant Project outcomes that their co-beneficiary institutions have prepared - the joint textbook in EU law, Didactical Manual, Legal Terminology , the Glossary etc.
Beside the Conference, the consortium will held the last 6th Project Coordination Meeting. The agenda will be available soon.
For any further information please refer to [email protected] and/or [email protected].
We are looking forward to Your attendance and valuable contributions!
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to invite You to the Final Conference within the series of conferences “Legal Reform and EU Enlargement – Transfer of Experience” under the Tempus IV Project InterEULawEast, which will take place on 4-5th July, 2016 at Faculty of Law, University of Maribor, Republic of Slovenia, EU.
The working title of the Conference is "The achievements of the InterEULawEast Tempus Project as Contribution to the European High Education Area and Implementation of the Best Bologna Standards".
The idea of the Conference is to discuss the outcomes of our Project and how the Project has contributed to the HEA and implementation of the Best Bologna standards in terms of raising awareness of EU law in PCs, introducing the best teaching practices, new academic journal, promoting student mobility and international academic cooperation, citing rules etc.
Staff members should also prepare presentations on the relevant Project outcomes that their co-beneficiary institutions have prepared - the joint textbook in EU law, Didactical Manual, Legal Terminology , the Glossary etc.
Beside the Conference, the consortium will held the last 6th Project Coordination Meeting. The agenda will be available soon.
For any further information please refer to [email protected] and/or [email protected].
We are looking forward to Your attendance and valuable contributions!
4-5th July 2016 University of Maribor, Faculty of Law Mladinska street 9 2000 Maribor Venue: Mansard A |
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Visit of Tempus 544117 InterEULawEast representative to People’s Friendship University of Russia, Moscow and inter-coaching with ETRMO project
29/3/2016 On 25th March 2016 on behalf of the Tempus Project InterEULawEast Assistant Kristijan Poljanec (FEBUNIZG) took part in the Roundtable „Analytical Centres in Foreign Policies“, LLP – Jean Monnet Programme, KA1, „European Traditions in Russian Education System: Foundation for Talent Mobility/ETRMO, People’s Friendship University of Russia, Moscow. Together with two Hungarian colleagues from Western University of Hungary – Dr. Tamas Czegledy and Erszebet Nedelka and Latvian colleague from Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration – Dr. Tatiana Vasilieva – Tempus representative had a chance to meet colleagues from PFUR and introduce them to achievements of InterEULawEast Project as well as to get familiar with their experiences in implementing EU funded projects. Russian hosts showed great interest in our Project, in particular in scholarship mechanism. |
Another sucessful week in Zagreb - 3rd International Conference “Legal Reform and EU Enlargement – Transfer of Experiences”: Digital Market Strategy - Legal, Economic and Educational Perspectives & 5th Project Coordination Meeting closed!
The 3rd International Conference on Digital Market Strategy within WP. 5. was organized to guarantee high potential and disseminate the project results at institutional, national and international level. Researchers from the co-beneficiary institutions shared and exchanged their experience among project members, students and wider public on wide range of topics: sharing economy, cloud services, online dispute resolution, falsified medical products, transferrable electronic records, criminal aspects of the digital single markets, bit coins issues and more. Once again the Conference was great opportunity for enhancing academic mobility and dissemination of knowledge in order to reach the goals of the project. Special thanks go to our Russian and Ukrainian students who are enrolled in Bachelor Degree in Business Programme as part of the scholarship mechanism. Their excellent presentations were the best indicator of their excellence and added value to the working topic.
Together with the Conference, the consortium held its 5th Project Coordination Meeting. Minutes from the meeting will be published here.
Thank You once more for making this Conference come true!
For the conference presentations click here.
The 3rd International Conference on Digital Market Strategy within WP. 5. was organized to guarantee high potential and disseminate the project results at institutional, national and international level. Researchers from the co-beneficiary institutions shared and exchanged their experience among project members, students and wider public on wide range of topics: sharing economy, cloud services, online dispute resolution, falsified medical products, transferrable electronic records, criminal aspects of the digital single markets, bit coins issues and more. Once again the Conference was great opportunity for enhancing academic mobility and dissemination of knowledge in order to reach the goals of the project. Special thanks go to our Russian and Ukrainian students who are enrolled in Bachelor Degree in Business Programme as part of the scholarship mechanism. Their excellent presentations were the best indicator of their excellence and added value to the working topic.
Together with the Conference, the consortium held its 5th Project Coordination Meeting. Minutes from the meeting will be published here.
Thank You once more for making this Conference come true!
For the conference presentations click here.
3rd International Conference “Legal Reform and EU Enlargement – Transfer of Experiences”: Digital Market Strategy - Legal, Economic and Educational Perspectives & 5th Project Coordination Meeting
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the 3rd International Conference within the series “Legal Reform and EU Enlargement – Transfer of Experience” under the Tempus IV Project InterEULawEast, which will be held on March 21 - 23th, 2016 at Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, Croatia.
The working title of the Conference "Digital Market Strategy: Legal, Economic and Educational Perspectives" is in line with current developments in the Single Market - Digital Single Market Strategy (digital contracts, improving access to digital goods and services, digitalisation of business registers, data protection, online sales, digital economy, digitalisation in context of national laws of Partner Countries, eHealth, e-government etc.).
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Economics and Business,
J. F. Kennedy 6 square, Zagreb, Republic of Croatia, EU
21 - 23 March 2016, hall 7
For more information please refer to
Together with the Conference, on 22nd March 2016 the consortium will held the 5th Project Coordination Meeting, Tempus centre, venue no. 53.
Agenda of the Project Coordination Meeting is available here.
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the 3rd International Conference within the series “Legal Reform and EU Enlargement – Transfer of Experience” under the Tempus IV Project InterEULawEast, which will be held on March 21 - 23th, 2016 at Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, Croatia.
The working title of the Conference "Digital Market Strategy: Legal, Economic and Educational Perspectives" is in line with current developments in the Single Market - Digital Single Market Strategy (digital contracts, improving access to digital goods and services, digitalisation of business registers, data protection, online sales, digital economy, digitalisation in context of national laws of Partner Countries, eHealth, e-government etc.).
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Economics and Business,
J. F. Kennedy 6 square, Zagreb, Republic of Croatia, EU
21 - 23 March 2016, hall 7
For more information please refer to
Together with the Conference, on 22nd March 2016 the consortium will held the 5th Project Coordination Meeting, Tempus centre, venue no. 53.
Agenda of the Project Coordination Meeting is available here.
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Welcome lecture for the students on scholarship mechanism within Tempus project InterEULawEast at FEB Zagreb!
On 22th February 2016 FEBUNIZG organised introductory orientation day for 9 incoming students within scholarship mechanism (WP. 4.). Students were introduced to basic aspects of Tempus programme and criteria of studying at Bachelor Degree in Business Programme.
Students have been chosen on basis of rigorous competition and selection procedure based on criteria of excellence at partner universities in Russia and Ukraine.
We address our congratulations to the students, their professors and mentors, and wish Anna Tikhomirova (TSU), Mark Lavrentev (TSU), Sandra Tsygantsova (KFU), Dmitrii Sarychev (VSU), Rodion Litovkin (VSU), Viktor Psolov (DNU), Iryna Nahorniak (DNU), Kristina Leonova (NU OLA) and Vladyslava Skorokhod (NU OLA) pleasant stay in Zagreb and fruitful studying period.
On 22th February 2016 FEBUNIZG organised introductory orientation day for 9 incoming students within scholarship mechanism (WP. 4.). Students were introduced to basic aspects of Tempus programme and criteria of studying at Bachelor Degree in Business Programme.
Students have been chosen on basis of rigorous competition and selection procedure based on criteria of excellence at partner universities in Russia and Ukraine.
We address our congratulations to the students, their professors and mentors, and wish Anna Tikhomirova (TSU), Mark Lavrentev (TSU), Sandra Tsygantsova (KFU), Dmitrii Sarychev (VSU), Rodion Litovkin (VSU), Viktor Psolov (DNU), Iryna Nahorniak (DNU), Kristina Leonova (NU OLA) and Vladyslava Skorokhod (NU OLA) pleasant stay in Zagreb and fruitful studying period.

Guest lecture visit of Professor Rajko Knez within Tempus Project 544117 InterEULawEast to the Institute of State and Law of Tyumen State University
On 15th and 16th February 2016 Professor Rajko Knez, Faculty of Law of University of Maribor gave two lectures - Developments in the EU and Contemporary jurisprudence of the Court EU - during his visit as guest lecturer at Institute of State and Law, Tyumen State University, Western Siberia, Russia.
Visit took place as part of tasks within Tempus Project InterEULawEast 544117, in particular, within WP.2.
Thanks to great support and logistics of our Tyumen colleagues - Professor Sergei Marochkin, Prof. Svetlana Racheva and Professor Irina Mylnikova - around 100 students and teachers attended the lectures.
After the lectures, Professor Knez gave answers to student's questions and a vivid discussion took place concerning current issues of EU integrations and perspectives. We would like to thank to Professor Knez and our Tyumen team for their engagement due to which one more task within WP. 1. has been accomplished!
Part of the atmosphere can be seen on the video below. More on Professor Knez's visit and details You can see here.
On 15th and 16th February 2016 Professor Rajko Knez, Faculty of Law of University of Maribor gave two lectures - Developments in the EU and Contemporary jurisprudence of the Court EU - during his visit as guest lecturer at Institute of State and Law, Tyumen State University, Western Siberia, Russia.
Visit took place as part of tasks within Tempus Project InterEULawEast 544117, in particular, within WP.2.
Thanks to great support and logistics of our Tyumen colleagues - Professor Sergei Marochkin, Prof. Svetlana Racheva and Professor Irina Mylnikova - around 100 students and teachers attended the lectures.
After the lectures, Professor Knez gave answers to student's questions and a vivid discussion took place concerning current issues of EU integrations and perspectives. We would like to thank to Professor Knez and our Tyumen team for their engagement due to which one more task within WP. 1. has been accomplished!
Part of the atmosphere can be seen on the video below. More on Professor Knez's visit and details You can see here.

Master Programme 'International and European Law' launched at Tyumen State University
We are proud to inform You that the Master Programme 'International and European Law', which has been established within Tempus Project 544117 InterEULawEast, has been launched by the decision of the Academic Council of the Tyumen State University on 29 January 2016. It is the legal decision for the teaching programmes to be opened within the license of the Tyumen State University. To make this decision possible Tyumen TEMPUS team - Professor S. Y. Marochkin, Professor Alexander Yakovlev, Professor Svetlana Racheva, Professor Sergei Romanchuk and Professor Irina Mylnikova - have been working hard in order to prepare all the necessary curriculum, teaching materials, supplies, etc.
Next task of our Tyumen colleagues is to hold presentations before the students of our and other institutes of the University. The recruiting campaign is going to start in summer. Congratulations to TSU team and the whole consortium!
We are proud to inform You that the Master Programme 'International and European Law', which has been established within Tempus Project 544117 InterEULawEast, has been launched by the decision of the Academic Council of the Tyumen State University on 29 January 2016. It is the legal decision for the teaching programmes to be opened within the license of the Tyumen State University. To make this decision possible Tyumen TEMPUS team - Professor S. Y. Marochkin, Professor Alexander Yakovlev, Professor Svetlana Racheva, Professor Sergei Romanchuk and Professor Irina Mylnikova - have been working hard in order to prepare all the necessary curriculum, teaching materials, supplies, etc.
Next task of our Tyumen colleagues is to hold presentations before the students of our and other institutes of the University. The recruiting campaign is going to start in summer. Congratulations to TSU team and the whole consortium!
Call for the 3rd International Conference “Legal Reform and EU Enlargement – Transfer of Experiences”: Digital Market Strategy - Legal, Economic and Educational Perspectives
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Economics and Business,
J. F. Kennedy 6 square, Zagreb, Republic of Croatia, EU
21 - 23 March 2016, Tempus Centre Zagreb
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the 3rd International Conference within the series “Legal Reform and EU Enlargement – Transfer of Experience” under the Tempus IV Project InterEULawEast, which will be held on March 21 - 23th, 2016 at Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, Croatia.
The working title of the Conference "Digital Market Strategy: Legal, Economic and Educational Perspectives" is in line with current developments in the Single Market - Digital Single Market Strategy (digital contracts, improving access to digital goods and services, digitalisation of business registers, data protection, online sales, digital economy, digitalisation in context of national laws of Partner Countries, eHealth, e-government etc.).
For more information please refer to http://ec.europa.eu/digital-agenda/en/digital-single-market#Latest.
The idea of the Conference is to have presentations of staff members in the morning session and presentation of students on mobility scheme in the afternoon session. The presentation of the students will be evaluated and taken into concern for the final grade.
The best student papers will be published in special issue of our Journal, together with best papers of the Conference attendees.
The Programme of the Conference will be published here.
Together with the Conference the consortium will organise the 5th Project Coordination Meeting. Detailed meeting agenda will be available here.
For any further information please refer to [email protected] and/or [email protected]
We are looking forward to Your attendance and valuable contributions!"
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Economics and Business,
J. F. Kennedy 6 square, Zagreb, Republic of Croatia, EU
21 - 23 March 2016, Tempus Centre Zagreb
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the 3rd International Conference within the series “Legal Reform and EU Enlargement – Transfer of Experience” under the Tempus IV Project InterEULawEast, which will be held on March 21 - 23th, 2016 at Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, Croatia.
The working title of the Conference "Digital Market Strategy: Legal, Economic and Educational Perspectives" is in line with current developments in the Single Market - Digital Single Market Strategy (digital contracts, improving access to digital goods and services, digitalisation of business registers, data protection, online sales, digital economy, digitalisation in context of national laws of Partner Countries, eHealth, e-government etc.).
For more information please refer to http://ec.europa.eu/digital-agenda/en/digital-single-market#Latest.
The idea of the Conference is to have presentations of staff members in the morning session and presentation of students on mobility scheme in the afternoon session. The presentation of the students will be evaluated and taken into concern for the final grade.
The best student papers will be published in special issue of our Journal, together with best papers of the Conference attendees.
The Programme of the Conference will be published here.
Together with the Conference the consortium will organise the 5th Project Coordination Meeting. Detailed meeting agenda will be available here.
For any further information please refer to [email protected] and/or [email protected]
We are looking forward to Your attendance and valuable contributions!"
Advance Course in European Company Law took place at National University „Odessa Law Academy“, Ukraine
Advance Course in European Company Law took place on 5th to 8th November 2015 in Tempus Centre at National University „Odessa Law Academy“. Advanced Course consisted of numerous lectures given by European and domestic legal experts, during which the attendees from Ukraine, Russia and the EU had opportunity to pose questions and to give their remarks. The aim of this Advanced Course was to introduce young researchers and teachers working at the co-beneficiaries in Partner Countries to current challenges in European Company Law – freedom of establishment, abuse of right to register company by third countries' nationals, history of European economic integrations through centuries, supranational company forms, free movement of capital and new initiative called Capital Markets Union. Domestic lecturers also gave their overview of management of company's assets at Ukrainian financial markets, challenges and prospects of Ukrainian path to the EU as well as domestic competition law issues in light of EU law. Special attention was given to legal and economic aspects of Ukrainian admission to the EU integrations. European perspectives were presented by Professor Hana Horak, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, Professor Rajko Knez, Faculty of Law, University of Maribor, Assistant Professor Kosjenka Dumančić, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, Assistant Zvonimir Šafranko, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, Assistant Kristijan Poljanec, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb. On behalf of Partner Countries’ co-beneficiaries, lectures were given by Assistant Professor Mykhailo Katsyn, National University „Odessa Law Academy“, Julia Dorozhkina, lecturer at Donetsk National University, Vinnitsa, Assistant Professor Daryna Dvornichenko, National University „Odessa Law Academy“, Assistant Professor Dmytro Kova, National University „Odessa Law Academy“ and Assistant Professor Yulia Akimenko, National University „Odessa Law Academy“. Beside members of academic community, Advance Course was attended by 20 local students who got familiar with modern issues of EU law. The course was an opportunity to meet President of the National University „Odessa Law Academy“ Sergei Kivalov and Rector Professor Volodymyr Zavalnuk, to sign into The Book of Guests and press conference. During the meeting with University administration, Project Coordinator had a chance to discuss current issues and challenges of Ukrainian HE system and prospects of future collaboration between co-beneficiaries within the Project. Advanced Course ended with solemn ceremony at which the Certificates of Attendance were delivered to each attendee.
Advance Course in European Company Law took place on 5th to 8th November 2015 in Tempus Centre at National University „Odessa Law Academy“. Advanced Course consisted of numerous lectures given by European and domestic legal experts, during which the attendees from Ukraine, Russia and the EU had opportunity to pose questions and to give their remarks. The aim of this Advanced Course was to introduce young researchers and teachers working at the co-beneficiaries in Partner Countries to current challenges in European Company Law – freedom of establishment, abuse of right to register company by third countries' nationals, history of European economic integrations through centuries, supranational company forms, free movement of capital and new initiative called Capital Markets Union. Domestic lecturers also gave their overview of management of company's assets at Ukrainian financial markets, challenges and prospects of Ukrainian path to the EU as well as domestic competition law issues in light of EU law. Special attention was given to legal and economic aspects of Ukrainian admission to the EU integrations. European perspectives were presented by Professor Hana Horak, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, Professor Rajko Knez, Faculty of Law, University of Maribor, Assistant Professor Kosjenka Dumančić, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, Assistant Zvonimir Šafranko, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, Assistant Kristijan Poljanec, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb. On behalf of Partner Countries’ co-beneficiaries, lectures were given by Assistant Professor Mykhailo Katsyn, National University „Odessa Law Academy“, Julia Dorozhkina, lecturer at Donetsk National University, Vinnitsa, Assistant Professor Daryna Dvornichenko, National University „Odessa Law Academy“, Assistant Professor Dmytro Kova, National University „Odessa Law Academy“ and Assistant Professor Yulia Akimenko, National University „Odessa Law Academy“. Beside members of academic community, Advance Course was attended by 20 local students who got familiar with modern issues of EU law. The course was an opportunity to meet President of the National University „Odessa Law Academy“ Sergei Kivalov and Rector Professor Volodymyr Zavalnuk, to sign into The Book of Guests and press conference. During the meeting with University administration, Project Coordinator had a chance to discuss current issues and challenges of Ukrainian HE system and prospects of future collaboration between co-beneficiaries within the Project. Advanced Course ended with solemn ceremony at which the Certificates of Attendance were delivered to each attendee.
Monitoring visit by officers of National Erasmus + Office Ukraine held on 5th November 2015 at National University “Odessa Law Academy”
On 5th November 2015 monitoring visit took place at National University “Odessa Law Academy”. Professor Hana Horak, Coordinator of Tempus project 544117 InterEULawEast and her team, in presence of local representatives of Tempus Project – Vice-Rector for International Cooperation Professor Vyacheslav Tulyakov, Head of Department for International Relations Associate Professor Vadym Barskyy and Professor Olga Turchenko, Donetsk National University, Vinnitsa - held a meeting in Tempus Centre with Mrs Olena Orzhel and Mrs Ivanna Atamanchuk, Project officers from National Erasmus+ Office Ukraine. Professor Horak gave introductory presentation of Project's tasks and objectives and informed on organisational and financial aspects of implementation of the Project. Professor Horak emphasized that the Project has been executed according to the updated Workplan, it is flexible to external factors and that all issues of its implementation are being dealt with in permanent communication with the EACEA and other co-beneficiaries. National University “Odessa Law Academy” team introduced Mrs Orzhel to internal procedures of project implementation, in particular, with development of master programme, role of Tempus centre, preparation of Legal Glossary, competition procedures for scholarship mechanism. Local representatives also presented relevant supporting legal documents concerning overall project implementation. In the second part of the monitoring, project officers held several interviews with local students concerning student awareness of relevance of Tempus Project and prospects of student mobility within Tempus Project and other EU funded projects. In the end, Mrs Orzhel thanked the members of both teams for all efforts they have made so far in order to implement the Project and gave valuable recommendations for further implementation of the Project.
On 5th November 2015 monitoring visit took place at National University “Odessa Law Academy”. Professor Hana Horak, Coordinator of Tempus project 544117 InterEULawEast and her team, in presence of local representatives of Tempus Project – Vice-Rector for International Cooperation Professor Vyacheslav Tulyakov, Head of Department for International Relations Associate Professor Vadym Barskyy and Professor Olga Turchenko, Donetsk National University, Vinnitsa - held a meeting in Tempus Centre with Mrs Olena Orzhel and Mrs Ivanna Atamanchuk, Project officers from National Erasmus+ Office Ukraine. Professor Horak gave introductory presentation of Project's tasks and objectives and informed on organisational and financial aspects of implementation of the Project. Professor Horak emphasized that the Project has been executed according to the updated Workplan, it is flexible to external factors and that all issues of its implementation are being dealt with in permanent communication with the EACEA and other co-beneficiaries. National University “Odessa Law Academy” team introduced Mrs Orzhel to internal procedures of project implementation, in particular, with development of master programme, role of Tempus centre, preparation of Legal Glossary, competition procedures for scholarship mechanism. Local representatives also presented relevant supporting legal documents concerning overall project implementation. In the second part of the monitoring, project officers held several interviews with local students concerning student awareness of relevance of Tempus Project and prospects of student mobility within Tempus Project and other EU funded projects. In the end, Mrs Orzhel thanked the members of both teams for all efforts they have made so far in order to implement the Project and gave valuable recommendations for further implementation of the Project.
Advance Course in European Company Law
Advance Course in European Company Law will take place from 4 to 8 November 2015 in Odessa, Ukraine. The aim of the Course is to provide in-depth training on modern issues of European integration, European Company Law for Partner Countries staff, young researchers, assistants and lecturers employed at Partner Countries institutions. Please find the Programme of Advance Course bellow.
Advance Course in European Company Law will take place from 4 to 8 November 2015 in Odessa, Ukraine. The aim of the Course is to provide in-depth training on modern issues of European integration, European Company Law for Partner Countries staff, young researchers, assistants and lecturers employed at Partner Countries institutions. Please find the Programme of Advance Course bellow.
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The presentation of master program “International and European Law” at Kazan Federal University
The presentation of master program “International and European Law” took place on 23rd of September 2015. at the Kazan Federal University.
Roustem Davletguildeev and Gulnara Shaikhutdinova presented to students of law faculty new master program «European and International law». The new program became a result of a successful cooperation between higher educational facilities from European Union, Ukraine and Russia – participants of Tempus IV Project 544117-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-HR-TEMPUS-JPCR InterEULawEast, as prof. Davletguildeev noted in his welcome speech.
Prof. Davletguildeev emphasized attention on general learning outcomes of the new master program, it advantages and perspectives for students who will attend it.
Prof. Shaikhutdinova stated that international nature of disciplines taught in the framework within the master program «European and International law» is the main advantage which may open the mind and make students more competitive on labor market.
The presentation attracted more than two hundred students all over the Kazan Federal University as well as from other universities of the city of Kazan.
The presentation of master program “International and European Law” took place on 23rd of September 2015. at the Kazan Federal University.
Roustem Davletguildeev and Gulnara Shaikhutdinova presented to students of law faculty new master program «European and International law». The new program became a result of a successful cooperation between higher educational facilities from European Union, Ukraine and Russia – participants of Tempus IV Project 544117-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-HR-TEMPUS-JPCR InterEULawEast, as prof. Davletguildeev noted in his welcome speech.
Prof. Davletguildeev emphasized attention on general learning outcomes of the new master program, it advantages and perspectives for students who will attend it.
Prof. Shaikhutdinova stated that international nature of disciplines taught in the framework within the master program «European and International law» is the main advantage which may open the mind and make students more competitive on labor market.
The presentation attracted more than two hundred students all over the Kazan Federal University as well as from other universities of the city of Kazan.
Advanced Course in European Company Law - 4th to 8th November 2015, National University "Odessa Law Academy"
Advanced Course in European Company Law will take place from 4th to 8th November 2015 in Odessa, Ukraine, at National University "Odessa Law Academy". The aim of the Course is to provide in-depth training on modern issues of European Company Law, covering issues such as freedom of establishment, harmonisation of Company Law, development of supranational company forms, competition law and free movement of capital. The Programme of Advanced Course in European Company Law will be published soon.
Advanced Course in European Company Law will take place from 4th to 8th November 2015 in Odessa, Ukraine, at National University "Odessa Law Academy". The aim of the Course is to provide in-depth training on modern issues of European Company Law, covering issues such as freedom of establishment, harmonisation of Company Law, development of supranational company forms, competition law and free movement of capital. The Programme of Advanced Course in European Company Law will be published soon.
On 1st September 2015 ceremony of awarding students' ID cards took place at Voronezh State University for students enrolled at Master Programme "International and European Law".
It is the result of close cooperation of VSU team members, supported by the rest of the consortium. In total twelve students will study at the Master Programme. Professor Pavel Biriukov greeted the students with its welcome speech, stressing the importance of future legal specialists for Russian Federation and development of its international affairs. Professor Biriukov wished them a lot of success in course of their future studies. Voronezh State University is the first university within the consortium that successfully fulfilled one of the Project's aims - creation of generation of successful master degree students who will be able to use the knowledge and experience gained during the study programme in their following professional activities. |

INTEREULAWEAST Journal vol. II, Issue 1, June 2015. is available online!
We are pleased to inform you that INTEREULAWEAST Journal vol 2, Issue 1, June 2015. has been published and is available online in it's electronic edition. To access the current issue please visit the Journal's official website.
On this occasion we would like to announce that National University “Odessa Law Academy” in Ukraine will host the series of lectures on European Company Law by the EU experts in November within the INTEREULAWEAST Tempus project. Therefore it is likely that December issue of the Journal will be dedicated to the European Company Law issues. Having in mind the above mentioned we would like to invite all the interested authors to submit their papers that are analyzing the current issues of the European Company Law. For more information on November event at the National University “Odessa Law Academy” please follow the upcoming announcements on the INTEREULAWEAST Project official website.
We are pleased to inform you that INTEREULAWEAST Journal vol 2, Issue 1, June 2015. has been published and is available online in it's electronic edition. To access the current issue please visit the Journal's official website.
On this occasion we would like to announce that National University “Odessa Law Academy” in Ukraine will host the series of lectures on European Company Law by the EU experts in November within the INTEREULAWEAST Tempus project. Therefore it is likely that December issue of the Journal will be dedicated to the European Company Law issues. Having in mind the above mentioned we would like to invite all the interested authors to submit their papers that are analyzing the current issues of the European Company Law. For more information on November event at the National University “Odessa Law Academy” please follow the upcoming announcements on the INTEREULAWEAST Project official website.
NU OLA successfully achieved the first step in WP 4. Local accreditation through approval of the Master Programme
In July 2015 the meeting of the Scientific Council of the National University “Odesa Law Academy” took place. The meeting was devoted to the implementation of the Master Program developed by consortium members within Tempus 544117 Project “European and International Law Master Programme Development in Eastern Europe -InterEULawEast”. Vice – Rector for International Relations at the National University “Odesa Law Academy” and local coordinator of the Project Professor Vyacheslav Tuliakov stressed an innovative character of the Program and its accordance to European standards. Head of the Department of International Law and International Relations Assistant Professor Pashkovskyi presented curriculum of future Master program. He noted programme's innovative form and content. President of the University Professor Kivalov underlined topicality and demand of the Master Programme and wished success in its development. After voting procedure of members of the Scientific Council supported implementation of a new Master Program into educational process of the National University “Odesa Law Academy”.
On 7th of July 2015 DNU team succesfully finished procedure of purchase of equipment. The equipment will serve to academic staff who takes part in framework of the Tempus Project INTEREULAWEAST. This way DNU team acomplished their obligation arising out of workpackage 2.
Presentation of InterEULaw East Project and meeting on monitoring results, 12th May 2015
On 12th May 2015 Prof Horak presented InterEULawEast Project within International Forum “Educational and cultural area of the Commonwealth of Independent States: development vectors”, which took place on 12-14th May 2015 at Voronezh State University, Russian Federation. Forum gathered numerous participants from Russian Federation, EU, Ukraine and former USSR countries. Prof Horak pointed out main aims and objectives, relevant facts on the Project implementation and achievements of InterEULawEast Project. After the presentation, Prof Horak replied to several questions on project implementation, which were posed by colleagues from other ongoing projects. The discussion showed interest of wider public as regards implementation of master programme in International and EU law.
In the afternoon hours, Anna Muravieva, National Erasmus Officer, Prof Horak and representatives of other co-beneficiaries participated at discussion on results of monitoring of the Project. Aim of the meeting was to find methods of improving project implementation in line with current needs of Russian high educational system.
Methodological workshops: Learning Outcomes, Voronezh State University, 13th May 2015
On 13th May 2015 well-known expert Dr Declan Kennedy of Cork University, Ireland, gave series of lectures on writing and using learning outcomes. This interactive methodological workshop gathered numerous participants including staff members of InterEULawEast Project. Dr Kennedy pointed out importance of proper writing and using learning outcomes in preparing master programmes. This was a chance for staff of project co-beneficiaries to learn more, aiming at improving current master programme and harmonise it with standards and best practices of Bologna process.
All staff members successfully passed workshops and certificates of attendance were solemnly awarded.
Presentation of InterEULaw East Project and meeting on monitoring results, 12th May 2015
On 12th May 2015 Prof Horak presented InterEULawEast Project within International Forum “Educational and cultural area of the Commonwealth of Independent States: development vectors”, which took place on 12-14th May 2015 at Voronezh State University, Russian Federation. Forum gathered numerous participants from Russian Federation, EU, Ukraine and former USSR countries. Prof Horak pointed out main aims and objectives, relevant facts on the Project implementation and achievements of InterEULawEast Project. After the presentation, Prof Horak replied to several questions on project implementation, which were posed by colleagues from other ongoing projects. The discussion showed interest of wider public as regards implementation of master programme in International and EU law.
In the afternoon hours, Anna Muravieva, National Erasmus Officer, Prof Horak and representatives of other co-beneficiaries participated at discussion on results of monitoring of the Project. Aim of the meeting was to find methods of improving project implementation in line with current needs of Russian high educational system.
Methodological workshops: Learning Outcomes, Voronezh State University, 13th May 2015
On 13th May 2015 well-known expert Dr Declan Kennedy of Cork University, Ireland, gave series of lectures on writing and using learning outcomes. This interactive methodological workshop gathered numerous participants including staff members of InterEULawEast Project. Dr Kennedy pointed out importance of proper writing and using learning outcomes in preparing master programmes. This was a chance for staff of project co-beneficiaries to learn more, aiming at improving current master programme and harmonise it with standards and best practices of Bologna process.
All staff members successfully passed workshops and certificates of attendance were solemnly awarded.
Workshops on Various Aspects of Learning Outcomes, Voronezh, May 2015
We are pleased to announce that on 12-14th May 2015 Voronezh State University will be host of several methodological workshops on various aspects of learning outcomes. The lessons will be given by well-known expert in this field, Dr. Declan Kennedy, Cork University, Ireland.
For detailed schedule please see the programme below.
We are pleased to announce that on 12-14th May 2015 Voronezh State University will be host of several methodological workshops on various aspects of learning outcomes. The lessons will be given by well-known expert in this field, Dr. Declan Kennedy, Cork University, Ireland.
For detailed schedule please see the programme below.
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4th Project Coordination Meeting took place at Socialo Tehnologiju Augstskola Riga, Latvia, EU
03/04/2015 The 4th Project Coordination Meeting for the representatives of co-beneficiaries within Tempus Project InterEULawEast took place at Socialo Tehnologiju Augstskola, Riga, Republic of Latvia, EU on 30 March 2015. At the Project Coordination Meeting representatives of co-beneficiaries discussed further steps which have to be undertaken in local accreditation, organisation of student fairs in PC countries, organisation of scholarship mechanism and publication of two materials – Project Textbook in EU law and Project Book. In addition to afore-mentioned, conclusions were reached as regards financial management of the Project as well as protocol on co-financing. For more information, working materials and Minutes from the Meeting click here. |
The presentation of innovative educational Master program “International and European Law” at NU «OLA»
30/03/2015 The presentation of innovative educational Master program “International and European Law” took place on 14th of March 2015. at the National University “Odesa Law Academy”. Head of the Department of International Law and International Relations Professor Pashkovskyi and Head of International Relations Office Professor Barskyy presented to potential students advantages and particularities of future Master program. In their presentations Professor Pashkovskyi and Professor Barskyy stressed, in particularly, that Master program is a result of internationalization of higher education and has being created with taking into account standards applied in the EU member-states. In his presentation the Coordinator of realization of Tempus program at the National University “Odesa Law Academy” Professor Tuliakov noted that under circumstances of realization of the EU-Ukraine Association a new Master program will allow to graduators from the University successfully compete on European market of legal services. Also Professor Tuliakov underlined that creation of Free Trade Zone with Ukraine requires new approaches to teaching law students and, first of all, deep studying of legal regulation of the EU Internal Market. In the opinion of all the staff of the National University “Odesa Law Academy” a new Master program will provide stimulation of creativity, competitiveness, employment and growth of entrepreneurial spirit. The presentation was attended by more than 200 students and their parents, the media and civil society organizations. |
Student fairs took place at Faculty of Law, Voronezh State University, Russian Federation - March 2015
Within established TEMPUS Center for European and International Law at Faculty of Law, Voronezh State University, Russian Federation, on March 20, 2015 there was conducted a fair for VSU students – «Modern Issues of the EU law».
The first speaker was Professor Pavel Biriukov. His speech was devoted to some actual issues of legal regulation of economic relations and the functioning of the EU internal market.
Lecturer of the Department of International and European Law Ilya Zhdanov described the questions of interaction of the European Union with its Member States.
Associate Professor Dmitriy Galushko made a report on relationships between the European Union and partner countries and the Russian Federation. He focused his presentation on the TEMPUS project “International and European Law in Eastern Europe». Dmitriy Galushko told the audience about the project, progress of its implementation, the future master’s programme “International and European law” and the mechanism of scholarships to study abroad for future master graduates of the programme.
The next speech was given by Danil Kustov, deputy head of «The Investment promotion agency of the Voronezh region” of the Department of Economic Development of the Voronezh region. He stressed on importance of teaching students on International and European law, welcomed development of the master’s programme “International and European law».
He also raised issues related to future employment of the graduate master students of the programme.
The next speech of Dmitry Bondarenko, leading specialist of the VSU office on international student programmes, was devoted to opportunities for the VSU students to study abroad and to participate in volunteer programs, in the EU mobility programmes.
During the event, to attention of the students there were also presented dissemination materials, developed and published within the InterEULawEast TEMPUS project – the «InterEULawEast Journal for the International and European Law, Economics and Market Integrations» and the textbook «European Market Law Handbook vol. 1 “.
Within established TEMPUS Center for European and International Law at Faculty of Law, Voronezh State University, Russian Federation, on March 20, 2015 there was conducted a fair for VSU students – «Modern Issues of the EU law».
The first speaker was Professor Pavel Biriukov. His speech was devoted to some actual issues of legal regulation of economic relations and the functioning of the EU internal market.
Lecturer of the Department of International and European Law Ilya Zhdanov described the questions of interaction of the European Union with its Member States.
Associate Professor Dmitriy Galushko made a report on relationships between the European Union and partner countries and the Russian Federation. He focused his presentation on the TEMPUS project “International and European Law in Eastern Europe». Dmitriy Galushko told the audience about the project, progress of its implementation, the future master’s programme “International and European law” and the mechanism of scholarships to study abroad for future master graduates of the programme.
The next speech was given by Danil Kustov, deputy head of «The Investment promotion agency of the Voronezh region” of the Department of Economic Development of the Voronezh region. He stressed on importance of teaching students on International and European law, welcomed development of the master’s programme “International and European law».
He also raised issues related to future employment of the graduate master students of the programme.
The next speech of Dmitry Bondarenko, leading specialist of the VSU office on international student programmes, was devoted to opportunities for the VSU students to study abroad and to participate in volunteer programs, in the EU mobility programmes.
During the event, to attention of the students there were also presented dissemination materials, developed and published within the InterEULawEast TEMPUS project – the «InterEULawEast Journal for the International and European Law, Economics and Market Integrations» and the textbook «European Market Law Handbook vol. 1 “.
4th Project Coordination Meeting at Socialo Tehnologiju Augstskola, Riga, 30 March 2015
We are pleased to announce that the 4th Project Coordination Meeting of representatives of consortium members within Tempus IV Project 544117-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-HR-TEMPUS-JPCR InterEULawEast will be held on 30th March 2015 at Socialo Tehnologiju Augstskola Riga, Latvia at 10:00 AM.
Please find the Timetable of the Meeting and accompanied working materials under password at the following link http://iele.weebly.com/meetings.html.
We are pleased to announce that the 4th Project Coordination Meeting of representatives of consortium members within Tempus IV Project 544117-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-HR-TEMPUS-JPCR InterEULawEast will be held on 30th March 2015 at Socialo Tehnologiju Augstskola Riga, Latvia at 10:00 AM.
Please find the Timetable of the Meeting and accompanied working materials under password at the following link http://iele.weebly.com/meetings.html.

INTEREULAWEAST Journal vol. I, Issue 2, December 2014. is available online!
After the printed version was published, we are pleased to inform you that INTEREULAWEAST Journal vol 1, Issue 2, December 2014. is now also available online in it's electronic edition. To access the current issue please visit the Journal's official website.
On this occasion we would like to encourage all the interested authors to submit their papers for the publishing in InterEULawEast Journal as the Journal is open for everyone researching and writing regarding the covered areas. More information on submitting papers and related procedures can be found on the Journals official website: http://www.efzg.unizg.hr/iele.
After the printed version was published, we are pleased to inform you that INTEREULAWEAST Journal vol 1, Issue 2, December 2014. is now also available online in it's electronic edition. To access the current issue please visit the Journal's official website.
On this occasion we would like to encourage all the interested authors to submit their papers for the publishing in InterEULawEast Journal as the Journal is open for everyone researching and writing regarding the covered areas. More information on submitting papers and related procedures can be found on the Journals official website: http://www.efzg.unizg.hr/iele.
Report on purchase of equipment
The report on the status of purchased equipment until January 2015. has been published and is available here.
First External Evaluation Report has been published!
First Eternal evaluation Report has been prepared by project external evaluators Professor Pierre Tiffine and Professor Peter Van Elsuwege. The report is available here.
Guest lectures by Dominik Vuletić, PhD at Tyumen State University

Within the Tempus project, Dominik Vuletić, PhD from the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business, Department of Law held his guest lecture titled "The Economic order of the European Union and its Member States - Legal aspect", at the Institute of State and Law, Tyumen State University. The lecture was attended by more than 150 participants, students and professors. The lecture touched on the problems of changing the structure of the European Union through the Nice and Lisbon Treaties, as well as the analysis of case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union. The students participated with great interest and actively asked questions to the lecturer.
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Successful week in Kazan
From 12th to15th of November consortium members met in Kazan in order to hold project meeting, workshop on learning outcomes, guest lecture by EU expert and to share knowledge and experiences within 2nd International Conference "Legal Reform and EU Enlargement - Transfer of Experiences". The main goal of the Conference was to emphasize the role and importance in teaching EU Law. Anlongside the Conference, the Partnership Agreement was signed, and Curricula developement activities were performed. Here is the brief overview of the undertaken activities.
From 12th to15th of November consortium members met in Kazan in order to hold project meeting, workshop on learning outcomes, guest lecture by EU expert and to share knowledge and experiences within 2nd International Conference "Legal Reform and EU Enlargement - Transfer of Experiences". The main goal of the Conference was to emphasize the role and importance in teaching EU Law. Anlongside the Conference, the Partnership Agreement was signed, and Curricula developement activities were performed. Here is the brief overview of the undertaken activities.
2nd International Conference "Legal Reform and EU Enlargement - Transfer of Experiences"
The Kazan Conference within the project WP. 5. was organized to to guarantee high potential and disseminate the project results at institutional, national and international level. Researchers from the cobeneficiary institutions shared and exchanged their experience within project members, students and wider public. The conference dealth specificaly with teaching EU law, EU experiences in higher education, EU enlargement, harmonization issues in higher education and Bologna process, issue of doing business, labour market and labour restrictions, international law in the context of globalization and regionalization and intercultural business communication. The goal was also to show how European professors as experts in this project are presenting and teaching EU topics. Once again the Conference was great opportunity for enhancing academic mobility and disseminate knowledge in order to reach the future goals of the project. For the conference overview and presentations click here. Project Coordination Meeting
During the 2nd International Conference "Legal Reform and EU Enlargement - Transfer of Experiences" in Kazan, Russian Federation, the project meeting for the project staff was held. The meeting took place on 14th of November 2014. Among other topics special attention was paid to curricula developement activities. For more information, working materials and minutes from the meeting click here. At the Project Coordination Meeting representatives of co-beneficiaries discussed proposals of future master programme (WP. 1). It was stressed that future master programme must be in line with highest EU educational standards and be focused on courses which will contribute to development of students skills which should be in line with labour market needs and raising of legal culture on the EU law.
Signing of the Partnership Agreement
On 13th of November 2014 solemn ceremony of signing of multilateral partnership agreement took place in the Museum of history of Kazan federal University. The Partnership agreement was signed between the project coordinator and representatives of Russian co-beneficiares. The agreement governs organisational and financial aspects of the project implementation. |
2nd International Conference "Legal Reform and EU Enlargement - Transfer of Experiences"
The 2nd International Conference "Legal Reform and EU Enlargement - Transfer of Experiences" will take place from 13 to 14 November 2014 in Kazan, Russian Federation, at Faculty of Law Kazan Federal (Volga region) Univesity. For more information on Conference click here.
Please find the Programme of the Conference bellow.
The 2nd International Conference "Legal Reform and EU Enlargement - Transfer of Experiences" will take place from 13 to 14 November 2014 in Kazan, Russian Federation, at Faculty of Law Kazan Federal (Volga region) Univesity. For more information on Conference click here.
Please find the Programme of the Conference bellow.
European and International Law Master Programme Development in Eastern Europe
2nd International Conference “Legal Reform and EU Enlargement – Transfer of Experiences”
November, 13-14th 2014 Kazan
Faculty of Law
Kazan (Volga region) Federal University
Working language – English
Thursday, 13 November 2014
09.30 – 10.00 Registration (Hall of the Kazan Federal University)
10.00-11.00 Opening
Rector of Kazan (Volga region) Federal University (Prof. Gafurov I.R.)
Dean of the Faculty of Law, Kazan (Volga region) Federal University (Prof. Tarkhanov I.A.)
The Head of the Department of International Relations, Kazan (Volga region) Federal University (Krilov A.A.)
Professor Hana Horak, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, Project Coordinator
Professor Pavel Biriukov, Faculty of Law , Voronezh State University
Professor Adel Abdullin, Faculty of Law Kazan (Volga region) Federal University
Professor Sergei Marochkin, Institute of State and Law, Tyumen State University
Professor Mykola Pashkovskyi, National University Odessa Law Academy
Official signing of the Partnership Agreement between Russian co-beneficiaries and Project Coordinator
11.00-11.30 Coffee break
11.30-13.30 1st session (meeting room of the Faculty of Law’s Board of Trustees, Rm. 335)
Professor Pavel Biriukov, Faculty of Law , Voronezh State University “On accession of Spain in the European Communities”
Professor Rajko Knez, Faculty of Law, University of Maribor "Teaching of EU law – approaches and experiences"
Professor Adel Abdullin, Faculty of Law Kazan (Volga region) Federal University "The problem of fragmentation of international law in the context of globalization and regionalization: the evolution of doctrinal approaches"
Ass. Prof. Irina Milnikova, Institute of State and Law, Tyumen State University. “Problems of harmonization and implementation WTO rules and norms to the national legislation of the Russian Federation”
13.30-15.00 Lunch break in the premises of Kazan (Volga region) Federal University
15.00-17.00 2nd session
Ass. Prof. Dmitriy Galushko, Faculty of Law , Voronezh State University; Dr. Alla Akulshina, Voronezh State University “Transformation of the European Education and Research Area and Russia”
Ass. Prof. Oleksii Plotnikov, National University Odessa Law Academy “EU Association Agreements: The case of Ukraine”
Ass. Prof. Svetlana Racheva, Institute of State and Law, Tyumen State University "Intercultural business communication in the context of globalization”
Ass. Kristijan Poljanec, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb "Freedom to Provide Lobbying Services in the Internal Market – a Regulatory Challenge for EU Member States"
Ass. Prof. Maria Keshner, Faculty of Law Kazan (Volga region) Federal University “Creating a common European system of banking supervision: a legal mechanism for implementing”
17.00 Closing
19.00 Dinner
Friday 14 November 2014
9.00-10.00 Workshop: "Learning Outcomes"
Professor Hana Horak, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, Project Coordinator
10.00-11.30 3rd Project Coordination Meeting: 1st part (simultaneously) /Presentations of the post-graduate and master students in another hall, moderated by person not participating at Project Coordination Meeting, 1st session
Sergei Stepanov, Tyumen State University "Obstacles in higher education. Analysis of different higher education Systems"
Tatiana Ruban, Kazan (Volga region) Federal University "EU Harmonization within the Law of the World Trade Organization"
Elmira Khalitova, Kazan (Volga region) Federal University "Legal mechanisms for guaranteeing security of energy supply in the European Union“
Galiakhberov Adel, Kazan (Volga region) Federal University
11.30 Coffee break
11.45-13.30 3rd Project Coordination Meeting: 2nd part (simultaneously) /Presentations of the post-graduate and master students in another hall, moderated by person not participating at Project Coordination Meeting, 2nd session
Anzhelika Karikova Kazan (Volga region) Federal University “The International Adoption”
Lenara Klimovskaya, Kazan (Volga region) Federal University “Directive 2011/24/EU in cross border healthcare providing additional rights to patients”
13.30-14.30 Lunch break
14.30-16.30 Guest lecture: "Contemporary developments on the EU internal market"
Professor Rajko Knez, Faculty of Law, University of Maribor
16.30 Questions and Answers & Closing
19.00 Dinner
Agreement number 2013 – 4548/001 – 001
This project has been funded with the support of the European Union.
European and International Law Master Programme Development in Eastern Europe
2nd International Conference “Legal Reform and EU Enlargement – Transfer of Experiences”
November, 13-14th 2014 Kazan
Faculty of Law
Kazan (Volga region) Federal University
Working language – English
Thursday, 13 November 2014
09.30 – 10.00 Registration (Hall of the Kazan Federal University)
10.00-11.00 Opening
Rector of Kazan (Volga region) Federal University (Prof. Gafurov I.R.)
Dean of the Faculty of Law, Kazan (Volga region) Federal University (Prof. Tarkhanov I.A.)
The Head of the Department of International Relations, Kazan (Volga region) Federal University (Krilov A.A.)
Professor Hana Horak, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, Project Coordinator
Professor Pavel Biriukov, Faculty of Law , Voronezh State University
Professor Adel Abdullin, Faculty of Law Kazan (Volga region) Federal University
Professor Sergei Marochkin, Institute of State and Law, Tyumen State University
Professor Mykola Pashkovskyi, National University Odessa Law Academy
Official signing of the Partnership Agreement between Russian co-beneficiaries and Project Coordinator
11.00-11.30 Coffee break
11.30-13.30 1st session (meeting room of the Faculty of Law’s Board of Trustees, Rm. 335)
Professor Pavel Biriukov, Faculty of Law , Voronezh State University “On accession of Spain in the European Communities”
Professor Rajko Knez, Faculty of Law, University of Maribor "Teaching of EU law – approaches and experiences"
Professor Adel Abdullin, Faculty of Law Kazan (Volga region) Federal University "The problem of fragmentation of international law in the context of globalization and regionalization: the evolution of doctrinal approaches"
Ass. Prof. Irina Milnikova, Institute of State and Law, Tyumen State University. “Problems of harmonization and implementation WTO rules and norms to the national legislation of the Russian Federation”
13.30-15.00 Lunch break in the premises of Kazan (Volga region) Federal University
15.00-17.00 2nd session
Ass. Prof. Dmitriy Galushko, Faculty of Law , Voronezh State University; Dr. Alla Akulshina, Voronezh State University “Transformation of the European Education and Research Area and Russia”
Ass. Prof. Oleksii Plotnikov, National University Odessa Law Academy “EU Association Agreements: The case of Ukraine”
Ass. Prof. Svetlana Racheva, Institute of State and Law, Tyumen State University "Intercultural business communication in the context of globalization”
Ass. Kristijan Poljanec, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb "Freedom to Provide Lobbying Services in the Internal Market – a Regulatory Challenge for EU Member States"
Ass. Prof. Maria Keshner, Faculty of Law Kazan (Volga region) Federal University “Creating a common European system of banking supervision: a legal mechanism for implementing”
17.00 Closing
19.00 Dinner
Friday 14 November 2014
9.00-10.00 Workshop: "Learning Outcomes"
Professor Hana Horak, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, Project Coordinator
10.00-11.30 3rd Project Coordination Meeting: 1st part (simultaneously) /Presentations of the post-graduate and master students in another hall, moderated by person not participating at Project Coordination Meeting, 1st session
Sergei Stepanov, Tyumen State University "Obstacles in higher education. Analysis of different higher education Systems"
Tatiana Ruban, Kazan (Volga region) Federal University "EU Harmonization within the Law of the World Trade Organization"
Elmira Khalitova, Kazan (Volga region) Federal University "Legal mechanisms for guaranteeing security of energy supply in the European Union“
Galiakhberov Adel, Kazan (Volga region) Federal University
11.30 Coffee break
11.45-13.30 3rd Project Coordination Meeting: 2nd part (simultaneously) /Presentations of the post-graduate and master students in another hall, moderated by person not participating at Project Coordination Meeting, 2nd session
Anzhelika Karikova Kazan (Volga region) Federal University “The International Adoption”
Lenara Klimovskaya, Kazan (Volga region) Federal University “Directive 2011/24/EU in cross border healthcare providing additional rights to patients”
13.30-14.30 Lunch break
14.30-16.30 Guest lecture: "Contemporary developments on the EU internal market"
Professor Rajko Knez, Faculty of Law, University of Maribor
16.30 Questions and Answers & Closing
19.00 Dinner
Agreement number 2013 – 4548/001 – 001
This project has been funded with the support of the European Union.

INTEREULAWEAST Journal indexed in EBSco Index Business Source Complete!
We are glad to inform You that InterEULawEast Journal for the International and European Law, Economics and Market Integrations has been indexed in EBSCO Index Business Source Complete.
Please bear in mind when preparing articles for our Journal that the articles should be in line with Instructions for the Authors and high academic standards due to the fact that each number has to be improved.
We are glad to inform You that InterEULawEast Journal for the International and European Law, Economics and Market Integrations has been indexed in EBSCO Index Business Source Complete.
Please bear in mind when preparing articles for our Journal that the articles should be in line with Instructions for the Authors and high academic standards due to the fact that each number has to be improved.
Odessa Tempus Centre has been established
18/09/2014 Odessa Tempus Centre, the last of three Tempus Centers within the INTEREULAWEAST project, was established on 18th September 2014. The opening ceremony took place at National University “Odessa Law Academy”, Fontanskaya Doroga 23, Odessa, where the centre is situated in the presence of many students and NU OLA staff. The opening speeches were given by Professor Sergiy V. Kivalov the Rector of NU OLA and Professor Vyacheslav Tuliakov. Professor Hana Horak, the Project Coordinator, also participated at the opening ceremony through the video link, and gave the welcome speech. We express our gratitude to everyone whose efforts contributed to the establishment of Odessa Tempus centre. |
Tempus Centre at National University Odessa Law Academy ready to be opened!
Dear collegues,
we are pleased to inform you that the opening ceremony of the Odesa Tempus InterEuLawEast Centre will take place on 18, September, 2014 at 11:00 AM (CEST) at National University “Odesa Law Academy”, Fontanskaya Doroga 23, Odessa, Ukraine. The participation at the ceremony will be also available through the video link. More details on the technical requirements will be published soon.
Dear collegues,
we are pleased to inform you that the opening ceremony of the Odesa Tempus InterEuLawEast Centre will take place on 18, September, 2014 at 11:00 AM (CEST) at National University “Odesa Law Academy”, Fontanskaya Doroga 23, Odessa, Ukraine. The participation at the ceremony will be also available through the video link. More details on the technical requirements will be published soon.
Call for conference: 2nd International Conference “Legal Reform and EU Enlargement – Transfer of Experiences” November, 13-14th 2014 Kazan
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the 2nd International Conference within the series “Legal Reform and EU Enlargement – Transfer of Experience” under the Tempus IY Project InterEULawEast, which will be held on November 13-14th in Kazan.
Venue: Faculty of Law, University of Kazan, Kremlevskaja 18, 420008 Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation
Date: November 13-14th 2014
For further information click here.
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the 2nd International Conference within the series “Legal Reform and EU Enlargement – Transfer of Experience” under the Tempus IY Project InterEULawEast, which will be held on November 13-14th in Kazan.
Venue: Faculty of Law, University of Kazan, Kremlevskaja 18, 420008 Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation
Date: November 13-14th 2014
For further information click here.
Advanced Summer Course in European Internal Market Law overview
01/07/2014 Advanced Summer Course in European Internal Market Law took place from the 23th to the 28th June 2014 in Tempus Centre Zagreb. The aim of this interdisciplinary advanced course was to introduce the attendees – young researchers and teachers working at the co-beneficiaries in Partner Countries – to the methodology of teaching courses in European Internal Market Law and Economics at European universities which participate in Tempus Project InterEULawEast. Advanced Summer Course consisted of numerous lectures given by European experts in law and economics, during which the attendees had a opportunity to pose questions and give their remarks. Methodology of teaching EU courses was also presented through several case studies in areas of free movement of goods, persons, capital, freedom to provide services and freedom of establishment as well as in the area of transparency and disclosure. In the afternoon sessions attendees both from Russian and Ukrainian co-beneficiaries gave their lectures on different topics in areas of law and economics. Special attention was given to legal and economic aspects of contemporary process of establishing Euroasian integrations aswell as to the current legal framework of doing business between Russian Federation and Ukraine and European Union. |
European experiences in teaching EU law and Economics were presented by Professor Hana Horak, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, Professor Tatjana Josipović, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, Professor Rajko Knez, Faculty of Law, University of Maribor, Assistant Professor Kosjenka Dumančić, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, Assistant Professor Sanja Sever Mališ, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, Assistant Professor Aleš Ferčič, Faculty of Law, University of Maribor and Assistant Professor Tomislav Baković, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb. On behalf of Partner Countries co-beneficiaries, lectures were given by Associate Professor Nataliya Tyurina, Faculty of Law, Kazan Federal University, Professor Svetlana Racheva and Marina Shunevich, Institute for State and Law, Tyumen State University, Professor Alfred Nizamiev, Faculty of Law, Kazan Federal University, Professor Ashot Barsyegyan, Faculty of Economics, Taurida V. I. Vernadsky University and Professor Aleksandr Gladenko, National University „Odesa Law Academy“. Advanced Summer Course ended with solemn ceremony at which the Certificates of Attendance were delivered to each attendee.
Promotion of InterEULawEast - Journal for the International and European Law, Economics and Market Integrations took place on 26 June 2014 at Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb
27/06/2014 On 26 June 2014 promotion of new scientific journal InterEULawEast - Journal for the International and European Law, Economics and Market Integrations took place in Library and Documentation Centre at Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb. The Journal was promoted at solemn ceremony by Professor Hana Horak, Editor-in-Chief and Professor Jurica Pavičić, Vice-Dean for Scientific and Administration Affairs of Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, in presence of numerous representatives of Tempus Project co-beneficiaries, members of editorial board, representatives of Faculty's staff and students. Journal was established in the 2014 within the Tempus Project European and International Law Master Programme Development in Eastern Europe No. 544117-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-HR-TEMPUS-JPCR. The Journal serves as a promotion tool for Project's wide visibility. The Journal ensures dissemination of scientific achievements made within the afore-mentioned Project and provides future sustainability of Project's results after the end of the Project's lifetime. The Journal publishes papers in the area of law and economics from the international point of view, in particular papers concerning legal and economic aspects of the EU and other market integrations, market freedoms, competition law and intellectual property law, company law and corporate governance, international trade and international private and public law. The purpose of the Journal, which is addressed both to academic community and general public, is to promote research activities in above mentioned areas, to encourage cross border business activities, to serve as a basis for further study in above-mentioned areas for master students, to introduce wider public with the rules of doing business in and with the EU, as well as to achieve long-term scientific contribution in fields of European and International law and economics. The Journal accepts high quality papers which fulfill contemporary technical and ethical standards of scientific work. |
INTEREULAWEAST Journal promotion
Monitoring visit from the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency by Mrs Antonella Giorgio, Tempus Project Officer, took place at Faculty of Economics and Business on 11 June 2014
On 11 June 2014 monitoring visit took place at Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb. Professor Hana Horak as Coordinator of Tempus project 544117 InterEULawEast and her team, in presence of large number of representatives of Faculty's departments, held a meeting in Tempus Centre venue with Mrs Antonella Giorgio, Project officer from the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency and representatives of the Croatian Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes and International Relations Office of the University of Zagreb.
Professor Horak gave detailed presentation of Project's tasks and objectives and informed the representative of the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency on organisational and financial aspects of implementation of the Project. Professor Horak emphasized that the Project has been executed according to the Workplan and that all issues of it's implementation are being dealth with in permanent communication with the Agency and co-beneficiaries.
UNIZG team introduced Mrs Giorgio with internal procedures of project implementation, in particularly with accounting procedures, and presented financial tables of the Project.
Mrs Giorgio thanked the members of the UNIZG team for all efforts they have made so far in order to implement the Project.
On 11 June 2014 monitoring visit took place at Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb. Professor Hana Horak as Coordinator of Tempus project 544117 InterEULawEast and her team, in presence of large number of representatives of Faculty's departments, held a meeting in Tempus Centre venue with Mrs Antonella Giorgio, Project officer from the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency and representatives of the Croatian Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes and International Relations Office of the University of Zagreb.
Professor Horak gave detailed presentation of Project's tasks and objectives and informed the representative of the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency on organisational and financial aspects of implementation of the Project. Professor Horak emphasized that the Project has been executed according to the Workplan and that all issues of it's implementation are being dealth with in permanent communication with the Agency and co-beneficiaries.
UNIZG team introduced Mrs Giorgio with internal procedures of project implementation, in particularly with accounting procedures, and presented financial tables of the Project.
Mrs Giorgio thanked the members of the UNIZG team for all efforts they have made so far in order to implement the Project.
Advanced Summer Course in European Internal Market Law Programme
Advanced Summer Course in European Internal Market Law will take place from 23 to 28 June 2014 in Zagreb, Republic of Croatia, at Faculty of Economics and Business. The aim of the Course is to provide in-depth training on modern issues of European integration and European Internal Market Law for Partner Countries staff, young researchers, assistants and lecturers employed at Partner Countries institutions. Please find the Programme of Advanced Summer Course in European Internal Market Law bellow. For more information on Advanced Summer Course click here.
Advanced Summer Course in European Internal Market Law will take place from 23 to 28 June 2014 in Zagreb, Republic of Croatia, at Faculty of Economics and Business. The aim of the Course is to provide in-depth training on modern issues of European integration and European Internal Market Law for Partner Countries staff, young researchers, assistants and lecturers employed at Partner Countries institutions. Please find the Programme of Advanced Summer Course in European Internal Market Law bellow. For more information on Advanced Summer Course click here.
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Visit of Professor Hana Horak, Tempus project coordinator, to Voronezh State University, Russian Federation, for the purpose of opening Tempus InterEuLaw center and guest lecture within Tempus Project 544117 InterEULawEast
In period 19 to 23 May 2014 delegation of Faculty of Economics and Business University of Zagreb led by Tempus Project 544117 InterEULawEast Project Coordinator Professor Hana Horak visited Law Faculty of Voronezh State University and Voronezh State University. On that occassion Professor Hana Horak held several multilateral and bilateral meetings with representatives of Law Faculty of Voronezh State University and representatives of various faculties of Voronezh State University led by the Rector of Voronezh State University Professor Dmitry A. Yendovitsky. Possible forms of future cooperation among Law Faculty in Voronezh and Faculty of Economics and Business of University of Zagreb, within Tempus project 544117 InterEULawEast, and future cooperation among two institutions concerning student's and academic mobility, publishing and other forms of scientific and research activities are some of the most relevant topics that were discussed during the visit.
Professor Horak held guest lecture titled „Croatian Experiences in Eurointegration Process“ to students and teachers of Law Faculty of Voronezh State University. Professor Horak referred to development of Croatian – EU relations in past twenty years and explained on example of Republic of Croatia stages of negotiation process which Croatia has succesfully gone through on it's way to full membership in the EU. After the lecture, Professor Horak answered questions posed by students on various aspects of Croatian membership. On third day of her visit, Professor Horak has opened the newly established Tempus Centre of Law Faculty of Voronezh State University together with Professor Valentin A. Panyushkin, the Dean of Law Faculty of Voronezh State University, Professor Oleg N. Belenov, the Vice-Rector for Economic Development and International Cooperation, Professor Pavel Biriukov, Head of Department of International and European Law, Associate Professor Dmitriy Galushko, Department of International and European Law, Dr. Alla Akulshina, Head of Centre for International Programmes and Projects of Voronezh State University and in presence of numerous of students and local media. This way one of the Project's tasks has been fulfilled. |
Advanced Summer Course in European Internal Market Law is getting closer!
We are please to announce that Advanced Summer Course in European Internal Market Law will take place from 23 to 28 June 2014 in Zagreb, Republic of Croatia.
Due to the current situation in Ukraine, the consortium made of all project partners has agreed on change of venue from Odessa to Zagreb.
The aim of the Course is to provide in-depth training on modern issues of European integration and European Internal Market Law for Partner Countries staff, young researchers, assistants and lecturers employed at Partner Countries institutions. The programme will include holding lectures by EU experts, studying relevant ECJ's case law, acquiring practical knowledge on searching relevant data bases on EU law, while at the same time enhancing networking among participants, raising cross-culltural awareness as well as development of Partner Countries' staff teaching skills in order to prepare them for teaching of students who will be enrolled at future International and European Master Programme, developed within the framework of the Tempus InterEULawEast Project. The knowledge given to participants in various areas of EU law will enable participants to understand logic behind market integration and functioning of EU legal system ("integration through law") and will serve as a model for curriculum development at Partner Countries institutions.
More information on EU Internal Market Law Advanced Summer Course Zgareb and the Course Programme will be published soon.
We are please to announce that Advanced Summer Course in European Internal Market Law will take place from 23 to 28 June 2014 in Zagreb, Republic of Croatia.
Due to the current situation in Ukraine, the consortium made of all project partners has agreed on change of venue from Odessa to Zagreb.
The aim of the Course is to provide in-depth training on modern issues of European integration and European Internal Market Law for Partner Countries staff, young researchers, assistants and lecturers employed at Partner Countries institutions. The programme will include holding lectures by EU experts, studying relevant ECJ's case law, acquiring practical knowledge on searching relevant data bases on EU law, while at the same time enhancing networking among participants, raising cross-culltural awareness as well as development of Partner Countries' staff teaching skills in order to prepare them for teaching of students who will be enrolled at future International and European Master Programme, developed within the framework of the Tempus InterEULawEast Project. The knowledge given to participants in various areas of EU law will enable participants to understand logic behind market integration and functioning of EU legal system ("integration through law") and will serve as a model for curriculum development at Partner Countries institutions.
More information on EU Internal Market Law Advanced Summer Course Zgareb and the Course Programme will be published soon.
Busy and fruitful week behind us
The past week gave the huge boost to our work on the project. In only three days, 13th to 15th of February 2014, four planned activities were undertaken successfully. It was a great opportunity to exchange experience, ideas and knowledge between project staff as well as opportunity to get to know each others in person and set basis for the future successful collaboration. Here is the overview of the undertaken actions.
![]() Zagreb Tempus Center InterEuLawEast Opening
(Zagreb, 13/02/14) Opening of the first of the three Tempus centers within the project WP2 was followed by series of lectures taken by Professors and students from Russian and Ukrainian partner universities under the common name "Zagreb meeting with Master students". The meeting was designed to introduce the hot legal topics in Russia and Ukraine to Croatian master students, academic staff and wider audience. Aim of the “Zagreb Meeting with Master Students” is to ensure visibility of the TEMPUS InterEULawEast project and to disseminate information of the project possibilities to master and doctoral students from all co-beneficiaries. The “Zagreb Meeting with Master Students” is organized as an introduction to the activities regarding Maribor Conference, together with an opening of the Zagreb Tempus Center InterEULawEast. Tempus Center InterEULawEast is envisaged as a place for dissemination of knowledge and experiences on European Integration, European Law and International Law. Events that will take place in TEMPUS Center will ensure future sustainability of the project at Faculty of Economics and Business. The conference in Maribor and Zagreb Meeting with Master Students are organized together to give opportunity to master students from all co-beneficiaries to express their opinion and give possible suggestions about the programme at the very beginning of the Project lifetime. The Zagreb Meeting, Maribor Conference and Kick-off Meeting are organized together in order to ensure project budget cost savings. More.

1st International Conference
"Legal Reform and EU Enlargement - Transfer of Experiences"
(Maribor, 14/02/14)
The Maribor Conference within the project /WP5/ was for the first time place for starting dissemination activities. Conference was organized to guarantee high potential and disseminate results at institutional, national and international level. Croatian and Slovenian Professors and doctorate candidates shared and exchanged their experience within project members and wider audience. Topics of the conference were connected to legal framework and legal practice in the EU member states. Speakers were pointing out some difficulties in the accession process, possibilities in practice and implementation of EU Law into their national bodies of Law. The goal was also to show how European professors as experts in this project are presenting and teaching EU topics. It was great opportunity for enhancing academic mobility and disseminate knowledge in order to reach the future goals of the project. More.
"Legal Reform and EU Enlargement - Transfer of Experiences"
(Maribor, 14/02/14)
The Maribor Conference within the project /WP5/ was for the first time place for starting dissemination activities. Conference was organized to guarantee high potential and disseminate results at institutional, national and international level. Croatian and Slovenian Professors and doctorate candidates shared and exchanged their experience within project members and wider audience. Topics of the conference were connected to legal framework and legal practice in the EU member states. Speakers were pointing out some difficulties in the accession process, possibilities in practice and implementation of EU Law into their national bodies of Law. The goal was also to show how European professors as experts in this project are presenting and teaching EU topics. It was great opportunity for enhancing academic mobility and disseminate knowledge in order to reach the future goals of the project. More.
Curricula Analysis Meeting
(Maribor, 14/02/14) During the Curricula Analysis Meeting in Maribor it was generally agreed that all the consortium members from Partner Countries will submit revised in-depth desk and field study and give proposals about their vision of European Law and International Law courses in order to establish European and International Law Master Degree Programme by 15 March 2014. More. |
![]() Kick off Meeting
(Zagreb, 15/02/14) At the Kick off meeting in Zagreb the partners were reminded of project's work-packages and introduced to finacial and management issues of the project. Plans and deadlines were set up for some activities and the project bodies: InterLaw Management Group, Internal Evaluation Commmittee and Editorial Board were established. More. |
Zagreb Tempus Center InterEULawEast - Meeting with master students
20/01/14 We are pleased to announce that Zagreb meeting with master students will take place on 13th February 2014. at Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb. Venue 53 - Zagreb Tempus Center InterEULawEast. Aim of the “Zagreb Meeting with Master Students” is to ensure visibility of the TEMPUS InterEULawEast project and to disseminate information of the project possibilities to master and doctoral students from all co-beneficiaries. The “Zagreb Meeting with Master Students” is organized as an introduction to the activities regarding Maribor Conference, together with an opening of the Zagreb Tempus Center InterEULawEast. Tempus Center InterEULawEast is envisaged as a place for dissemination of knowledge and experiences on European Integration, European Law and International Law. Events that will take place in TEMPUS Center will ensure future sustainability of the project at Faculty of Economics and Business. Expected audience at the "Zagreb Meeting with Master Students" are master students as well as students that have interest to enroll into the exchange programme within the TEMPUS InterEULawEast, to obtain double degree diplomas, to apply for scholarships or to study at one of the institutions within the project. The conference in Maribor and Zagreb Meeting with Master Students are organized together to give opportunity to master students from all co-beneficiaries to express their opinion and give possible suggestions about the programme at the very beginning of the Project lifetime. The Zagreb Meeting, Maribor Conference and Kick-off Meeting are organized together in order to ensure project budget cost savings. Venue:
Faculty of Business & Economics University of Zagreb Trg J. F. Kennedyja 6 10000 Zagreb Croatia Date: February 13th 2014 Contact: [email protected] |
HOTEL LAGUNA Silvija Strahimira Kranjčevića 29 10000 Zagreb ++385 1 3047 000 http://hotel-laguna.hr/naslovnica |
Conference programme has been published
1st International Conference "Legal Reform and EU Enlargement - Transfer of Experiences", programme has been published. To access the programme click here.
1st International Conference "Legal Reform and EU Enlargement - Transfer of Experiences", programme has been published. To access the programme click here.
1st International Conference "Legal Reform and EU Enlargement - Transfer of Experiences",
Maribor, February 14th 2014
We are pleased to announce the first international Conference within the series "Legal Reform And EU Enlargement - Transfer of Experiences" under the Tempus IV project InterEULawEast, which will be held on February 14th 2014 in Maribor. The Conference will focus on the exchanging of the experiences in implementation and enforcement of the EU Law in the member states as well as on the functioning of internal market. For more info on conference click here. Hope to see you in Maribor.
Maribor, February 14th 2014
We are pleased to announce the first international Conference within the series "Legal Reform And EU Enlargement - Transfer of Experiences" under the Tempus IV project InterEULawEast, which will be held on February 14th 2014 in Maribor. The Conference will focus on the exchanging of the experiences in implementation and enforcement of the EU Law in the member states as well as on the functioning of internal market. For more info on conference click here. Hope to see you in Maribor.
Kick-off meeting
InterEuLawEast project kick-off meeting for the project staff will be held on February 14, 2014 at Faculty of Law University of Maribor. The working language is English. The meeting will take place in Maribor instead in Zagreb as it was initially planned due to the budget savings.
Annotated provisional agenda:
InterEuLawEast project kick-off meeting for the project staff will be held on February 14, 2014 at Faculty of Law University of Maribor. The working language is English. The meeting will take place in Maribor instead in Zagreb as it was initially planned due to the budget savings.
Annotated provisional agenda:
- Welcome presentation of the project Tempus IV InterEULawEast
Prof. dr. sc. Hana Horak/Jean Monnet Chair, Project Coordinator - The presentation of the project's assignments
Prof. dr. sc. Hana Horak/Jean Monnet Chair, Project Coordinator - Workshop: The project Tempus IV InterEULawEast - Project management: monitoring, reporting & modifications
Kristijan Poljanec, Department of Law, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb - Discussion
- Workshop: The project Tempus IV InterEULawEast - financial and budgetary issues
Prof. dr. sc. Hana Horak/Jean Monnet Chair, Project Coordinator
Kosjenka Dumančić, Department of Law, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb
Kristijan Poljanec, Department of Law, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb - Discussion
- Establishment of the InterLaw management group (IMG)
- InterLaw management group coordination meeting
- Closing
InterEuLawEast is getting started!
InterEuLawTeam is delighted to inform our partners and wider public that InterEuLawEast project is ready to start with its work. The first scheduled activities will take place in our partner country Republic of Slovenia on February 14, 2014 at the Faculty of Law, University of Maribor. The Maribor event shall include the First kick-off meeting for the project staff providing the general terms of project cooperation and assignments, project financing and project management.
Furthermore, Maribor will be the host of the first international scientific conference from the "Legal reform and EU enlargement - transfer of experiences" conference series. More information on these upcoming events will be published soon.
InterEuLawTeam is delighted to inform our partners and wider public that InterEuLawEast project is ready to start with its work. The first scheduled activities will take place in our partner country Republic of Slovenia on February 14, 2014 at the Faculty of Law, University of Maribor. The Maribor event shall include the First kick-off meeting for the project staff providing the general terms of project cooperation and assignments, project financing and project management.
Furthermore, Maribor will be the host of the first international scientific conference from the "Legal reform and EU enlargement - transfer of experiences" conference series. More information on these upcoming events will be published soon.